Technical Overview

Integration+ connects your collaboration hub, Teams, to your ticketing software, Jira. Here's how it works from a technical perspective.

High-level summary

  1. Teams makes API calls to our services in Azure when events are triggered
  2. Our services make API calls to Teams to send messages, react to button clicks, etc
  3. Our services make API calls to Jira to read and write data
  4. We use OAuth flows

Initial Connections

  1. Add the bot to Teams and allow the required permissions to start the process
  2. Add the app to Jira
  3. Create an application link in Jira (NOTE: This requires administrator permission)
  4. Complete the OAuth flow to allow access to the application link

Teams Communication

  • All communication is API based
  • Teams makes API calls to our systems.
  • We make API calls to Teams over HTTPS with OAuth

Jira / JSM (Jira Service Management) Communication

  • Communication is API and webhook based
  • Jira sends data via webhooks to our systems
  • We make API calls to Jira over HTTPS with OAuth


Read more about our security here.

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